Hey, Barbara, I will check out Dane Cook. Is he the comic that I just pulled up on the 'net? Or do I have the wrong person? I like innertubes. We were constantly on one on Lake Erie as children.
Sorry, Barbara, I just picked up your comment. Thanks for the advice. Love the quote. It's absolutely perfect. Your comments elicit the thought of being stuck under the ice of a frozen lake. Fortunately that has never happened to me as I am not a winter person. So, I think I am safe there.
Tony, would you be talking about the restaurants in Massachusetts? If so, we used to go there a lot when I lived in New England! The ones we used to go to had polynesian entertainment.
Yes....*sob* ~Me left me. Me left ~Me. I'm so confused. Anyway, Rich, the work of Mr. Witkin's that I was lucky enough to have been exposed to? If I had to give it a name, I would call it "Corpse Pornography". Motts, I promise, cross my heart, I will not stray again!!! Rich, I LOVE reading your comments, though. Your words are poetry to my ears, as the village, town, city-wanna-be, that I reside in is not possessive of a lot of culture.
Barbara, I skimmed some of the info on Mr. Witkin. If I remember correctly ( after I hastily exited one of his sites while screaming), he gets permission from people working at morgues (not in our country) to use their...um..."people" for props. He may be brilliant to some, but his work leaves a me with a mental bad taste.
Motts, I think the line "The photographer of all these needs to learn the first rule of taking pics..." was what led to all the attacks on Carl. It sounds a little condescending to me. Maybe we're just to sensitive. We are of the opinion that to attack you is to attack us....childish, I guess, defensive for sure... but, you know, you're Motts, the man, after all! You go where no man has gone before, you have been beamed up...you have created the website of art. You bring images to us, that we cannot acquire on our own!!!! And I have a pedestal with your name on it!!!!! It comes with its own light fixture/soap dispenser thingy.