46 Comments Posted by Thad

I *want* to cross it. I didn't say I *would* cross it. When Motts chickens out... it's gotta be bad! :-)
That's freakin' awesome. Like something out of one of my nightmares... yet I really want to cross! Nice...
Colin, Makes sense.

BTW, this, and your other comments, are bringing some interesting insight to these power plant pictures!
Whats the matter, Lynne, don't like being associated with me? ;-)
Not only that Rich, but those ceiling joists are supposed to be horizontal, not at that sickly 10 deg. angle. The place is on the brink of catastrophic structural failure!

Not to sound like your mother or anything, Motts, but one of these days you're going to meet your death in one of these places. Once chance too many taken, and all that. It's a trite thing to write on a (nearly) anonymous message board like this, but that would be a real tragedy...

Seriously dude, please be careful out there!
Pobo, my thoughts exactly!

I'm wondering what it was for. Somehow related to those cleanout ports on the wall, above on either side? Motts, do you recall what was directly above, where the hook is hanging from? That might give a hint on what was this hook supposed to raise.
Yeah, I know, I spoke too soon before... You have to admit, though, that lonely compressor shot was very much like Motts' trademark Lonely Chair shots. Lighting, composition, etc.
Err, "guys". I can't speak for Gus.
I was thinking more along the lines of "pull my finger".

Which I guess is also something only gus say. :-P
The Calendar idea is a cool one. Nowhere near involved as the Coffee Table book idea, it would get Motts' feet wet in the whole publishing thing.

Motts... have you considered taking pictures of the abandoned Bethlehem Steel plant in Bethlehem, PA? It's under 1.5 hours' drive from NYC, and the complex goes on and on and on... and is AMAZING. I went and took some pics myself with a friend, but we were ultimately too wussy to hop the fences. :-) Did I mention it's abandoned? (You may thank me after.)
Interesting. The old power plant gets its power from somewhere else. That means, at some point before the plant shut down, they decided to wire it to take power not from the plant itself. Yet, since the plant was making power at that time, why get it from elsewhere?

Alternately, why wire the plant up for power after it's been abandoned?
I guess that'll have to do for a Lonely Chair Shot!
Ugh, I hate those dental impression trays! The plaster always triggered my gag reflex and I'd spit up a little. Blech, it's been at least 15 years since I've had one of those "torture" devices in my mouth, and I remember -exactly- what they feel like. Ugh!!

I understand that now it's possible to use lasers to precisely map the interior of the mouth, rendering these things obsolete. All I can say is, it's a damn good thing, and about time!
The screens above the doors on either side of the stage make me think that there may once have been a Theater Organ (such as a Wurlitzer) installed. Of course, if there ever was such a thing, I'm sure it's long since removed or trashed.
Are you sure this isn't the bathroom from Trainspotting?