32 Comments Posted by Shadowman

LOL Mama! We'll need a ladder to get to that soap dispenser!!! The joke lives on!
Thanks Mr. Motts. You did a great job with this set. Really made me feel I was there exploring on my own. Can't wait to see the next set!
Mama, I was thinking the same thing when I saw this photo! This chair is very happy!
LOL! Great title to this one. These are Buy one crapper, get one Free!!!
What were those hooks used for? These hospitals always make me wonder.
LOL! Every time I see chairs now on this site, I just burst out laughing. Mr. Mott's really has a thing for chairs. Love those lonely ones!
I like how the windows on each side illuminates the pathway and door.
I love the Not An Exit sign. In a place like this even the exits weren't exits.
No thats not me. I wish it were though, I'd love to explore a place like this!
I agree with you Canada. I bet if this building were in use today, that doorway would of been widened for sure.
The engraving looks well done, yet doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe the engraver was drunk and just said Eff It, they won't notice and just left it.
I would think earth tone colors would be more relaxing. Not this bright green/blue. The chair & lamp don't seem to mind though!
LOL!! You guys crack me up! Strange this stuff was left behind.
Wow, I almost thought that was a dead black cat underneath the vent. Glad to see it is only black sludge.
Your right Mama, that green sure is depressing. Like the lonely wheel though!