5 Comments Posted by Sean-KPPCExplorer

Sorry to tell you, there is no 84,86,87 or 88 at kppc.
That's the basement of 122 right? If it is, I've fallen through right there, one of the many spots.
They're footprints, I saw the sign in person and I was like WTF? Did patients make it or some people? The material is pretty strong, but it seems to me like patients may have done this one. And no, we don't have the highest education at KPHS.
lol Motts obviously you havent been to the 10th floor-GOOD! There are active alarms in the building, and on the 10th floor are generators for the antennas on top of the building, they;re still being used as police transmitters. Anyone who goes on the 10th floor sets the alarm off, and let me tell you, it aint pretty.
Thats a really great pic Motts. Any pictures of the catacombs? I would love to see them, they sound amazing.