583 Comments Posted by Rekrats

Apparently, someone forgot to lock up despite all the airy little signs.
It certainly is not cryptic. It is, however, a little mismatched to the seriousness of the subject matter. They so lightheartedly portray something as important as securing classified waste... I guess it's meant to stick in one's memory this way. Who knows.
One rarely sees any attempt at aesthetics within a military installation. So the curlicues on the bars are quite surprising. Very interesting!!
Rob, you were a patient at an industrial coke-processing facility in Germany? Too cool, man.

Motts, amazing gallery, again! You absolutely rule.
Hats off to another fantastic gallery, Motts. Love your work!!!
4th vote for wallpaper, here! Outstanding shot!
That would make an amazing wallpaper... ahem, hint??? Luv ya, Motts.
Glad to see more stuff. Missed ya, Motts!!
This is the first time I've seen a shot that I desperately wish for as wallpaper (that isn't already wallpaper).

I love all the shots.. I introduced myself in the forum and promised to post some of my own (incredibly inferior) pics, but I've been lost in your galleries for literally *weeks* and haven't gotten around to it,

But this photo... wow. Maybe it's the red. (I collect red glass.) Maybe it's the floor and ceiling. Don't know, but I'd PAY for this as wallpaper!!!
I can always count on the comments section of Opacity to entertain. This thread has got to be one of the most memorable ones yet.

Fan People. I had no idea there were such critters. **chuckling**
I think the pipe across the ceiling is the retrofitted electrical conduit for the lights. They're in every room and I don't see a sprinkler head.

But I could be totally wrong, too.
Quick, where's spidergirl with an off-the-wall comment about the torturous treatment the innocent patients received in this hellish chamber??

(Sorry. I just HAD to.) XD
Did they ever decide what to do with the property once the fire gutted part of the Kirk? I have not found any recently updated info on it... it's like everything just stopped once it burned.

Maybe it was re-abandoned?
Isn't this the admin building? So there probably wouldn't have been patients looking out of these windows at all, let alone ones who felt "trapped."

Beautiful gallery, btw.

Anyway... the crib itself is not "creepy," anymore than the baby bottles of the previous picture were "disturbing" or "sad." However, the environment and the captivating quality of the photography gives the items a haunting feeling, invoking the hollowness of desolation and long-standing abandonment. The things, in short, that draw us to this site and to actual UE.