338 Comments Posted by Redinkreign

Chilling angle. I like the combination of the blue with the rust.

Thank-you for this update! Always something to look forward to.
Love the angle, love the lighting.
I agree-- I love the composition of the colors. I like how the red container draws your eye in, and then balances out the orange glow between the red and the yellow container. :3 Warm, but very unsettling.
That's incredible. . .

Again, though. . . it's just sitting around. . .

I find it really fascinating to see what's been left behind-- Like a freeze frame of a moment in someone's life. . .
You know, for a 109 year old hospital, she looks pretty good.
I know I'm going to sound *quite* ignorant for asking, but: Doesn't the government send anyone out to clean up biologically hazardous wastes such as these? I've been wondering that for a while. . . If someone could kindly clear that up, I'd be very grateful. :3
Oh, zombies. . . If only. . . v__v
It DOES remind me of Silent Hill! XD
It WOULD make a really pretty wallpaper. . .
Thank,-you, Motts. Your galleries always make my day.
All hail the forward march of industrialization!
I love the looming shadow that little machine is throwing.
Mmm. . . reminds me of shadowbox art.

Love the numbers.

Thank-you so much for updating! :D
Awww. . . I'll adopt it.