21 Comments Posted by Ravi

Hes holding the pot behind his back ........So his arms arent on backwards...
Wow just....wow ok I feel I need to put my own word in,as a former patient of a mental facility. It is like any other work place you have-lazy asses,gossips,people who dont give a damn,people who reaally dont want to be there,and people who skip on their duties.However you also have-Kind caring people,people who enjoy and love their jobs,hard works,friendly people,people who do the best they can and try their hardest to make these places as close to a home as possible.

You really need to stop and think about this before pointing fingers.When you lump together the good and the bad you sully the name of those who were only trying to do their best. If it werent for some of these good people I myselfs would probly not be writing this. And as for the bad that was said to go on in Penhurst,everyone has their breaking points we are only human,and being under paid and staffed is never any help,people get overwhelmed it doesnt make it their fault.

What I find truly sad is when places ment to heal and help fall apart at the seams. Usually at no fault of their own.

Well these are just my thoughts take them as you will,I hope they give some of you pause and make you think.
I've been thinking about it, and while it seems absurd to have someone committed for masturbating, we don't know the circumstances. Maybe they were caught whacking off to grandma undressing or beating it while watching neighborhood kids playing out the window. I'd find either one disturbing and I'd rather have the latter put away before he started touching those kids. You just never know the details. If you read about people like Theodore Frank and Joseph Kallinger you would understand where abnormal sexual fixations can lead. Then there's Cesar Barone. Who would think someone would be turned on by old ladies? There is something wrong there and if I found my son doing either one I'd want help for him too. I realize that those asylums were never really "help", who knew any better at the time?
I absolutely love this!
looks like a robot from a '50s sci-fi movie
Dette what would you do with all the rapists, murders, and child molesters? They are put in these places because they were anything but "humane" to others. Why should they be treated better than their victims? Chris Rock had a better idea of what to do with them, check it out.
buddha's right
My elementary school's powdered soap wasn't even pink, it was brown and gritty. I always wondered why they wanted us to wash our hands with sawdust.
Pigeons and Nosferatu?
Could Scarlet still use those?
Is that a sheet on the bed? Do bums carry their own sheets with them?
Had a friend who "rescued" an old piano. It was full of roaches
I saw a show once where a hidden camera caught an orderly in a nursing home line up a patients wheelchair a few feet from his bed, then he stomped on the footrest of the chair and the old man flew through the air and landed on the bed. The orderly obviously had been doing it awhile. It's absolutely horrible but I must admit when I first saw it I nearly pissed my pants laughing so hard. I fell bad now. This photo reminds me of that.
That would make a beautiful Christmas card I think
Too cool!