29 Comments Posted by Qtirishprncess

This one is my favorite. So much sadness and despair....and captured so beautifully.....
I totally thought that was a real person. My heart sank into my stomach.!!! Love that picture!!!
That's creepy. I don't like that.
I love the blue and gold, personally. How pretty!!!!
I can imagine a patient sitting in that chair, staring outside, wishing he/she could be part of the outside world. This picture makes me sad.
Awww that cute little wheelchair. I want to take it home!
I dont know which is worse, this room or the pink one!!!!
Yikes! I'd probably have a panic attack walking down that hallway! Too narrow for me!!!
OMG I SEE IT!! I never see apparitions in photos but this one I do!! Wow!
How spooky!
I like the shape of the ceiling!!!
WOW! How beautiful!!!!
I bet this place was a real sight to see in it's original beauty. So sad that the patients didn't get the right to have some sort of recreation. It probably didn't help their illnesses. :o(