12 Comments Posted by PutN2Cents

falling out of a wheelchair is one thing, loosing your pants another, But is that underwear crumpled up on the floor too????
wow, the patient actually had a choice, sit awhile, lay awhile
i think it was used to wheel someone around on their stomach, and a bucket to drool in or worse, sad situation indeed
There is an old movie called the Shuttered Room where this poor girl is chained up for years and this sure does remind me of it!
another unappropriate pic for mental wards, looks as if the staff had to be mental too!
w,hy in the world would they put this painting in a mental hospital when alot of these people are already anxietized,nervous,fearful, thats just mean!
looks like someone got stuck in there to long, they used to put white cotton strips around your ears and forehead during a perm
no you guys, its the ward were they put the patients that were unresponsive, in an endeavor to incite their minds to come back from darkness
Its raining here as a view this picture and i got a cold chill, imagining the wet ooozing walls, and the old moldy air.
i found an old nurses daily journal behind an old hospital i was exploring and it comments on alot of patients with these same abrev. Couldnt figure out IC in the context it was written, thinking it meant intensive care, soooo , intermittant Claudication, thanks motts!
those windows remind me of old moldy shower doors
Definitely Summer Tree Green Wow!