444 Comments Posted by Puddleboy

Somebody got inspired by the Beatles 'butcher' cover???
I usually don't give these kind of comments, but this picture is just ~perfect~. The lighting, the colours, the background. Possibly my favorite in this gallery.
That thing reminds me of an old drive0in theatre speaker. I thought so in the picture before this one.

General Electric. Where ~progress~ is our most important product.
Now that's the way to unplug clogged drains...

Blow up the sink!!!
Gotta put up more Wal*Marts!!! Ever see a movie called 'Red Dawn'? If that ever happens, we'll use all those Wal*Marts as fall-out shelters
I seriously doubt they ever thought this photo would appear on the internet.
AMG (American General) made buses. That would explain the bus that shows up in one of these pictures. Thanks for solving the mystery.
Bleach? That curtain may have been hanging for twenty years. Just a little bleach may cause it to fragment into ten thousand little pieces.
Stare into the center, a little to your right. There's an angry dog wearing a thick collar (that's what it looks like to me LOL)
Could be that too. A jukebox would fit nicely in that picture. I thought of the barbershop first, as my earliest memory of going to one, had that same floor design, as did a record shop that my aunt used to frequent. It was a common design at the time.
A wonderfully old building in a natural decaying state. Nice to see a gallery without any grafitti or vandalism.
That floor pattern reminds me of a late 50's barbershop.
They don't look like they'ld hold much. Two pairs of shoes and it's full. Guess they stuffed your underwear inside your shoes.
Are those animals painted on the walls?
Those tiles held up great. I wonder what brand they were. If the company is still in business, they could use them in their advertising.