291 Comments Posted by Poisonousxbeauty

Awesome the WHOLE family can see you pop out a kid!
These are the nicest morgue doors I've seen so far!
w00 h00. I want them.
That would be an awesome studio apartement...I want!
"levi's jeans, they can even endure"
*dun dun dun*
That's it. Someone's taking me into Byberry..! Any takers? C'monnnnnn!
So uh how man auditoriums were there in this place? Jesus this place is amazing! I'd love to get my paws on the blue prints...
Everyone's aware you can ACCESS the blue prints to almost any state building, right? I looked at some from Danvers, although I had to go all the way to Boston since that was where the archutiect was from, I still got them. I bet if you figure out who constructed any of these buildings you can get the layouts and such. Althogh I doubt they'll help much because they wouldn't have the additions on them.
Imagine cleaning that place up a bit and having a punk show or something?
Damn I missed that one *smashes*! hehe just kidding. Most people are only in one part of Byberry, and they usually don't usually bother to roam around too much probally because they're afraid to. i will admit that I'm afraid to!!
Ed-you were in a hospital, you could've found a stretcher I'm sure if you looked hard enough!
Heehee, or you couldv'e used an autopsy table to roll 'em out.
Heh Heh Heh
It definitely looks like a mouth...a mouth that is in some seriosu discomfort..was this anywhere near the dentistry areas?
It scares me that they had to put thick glass on there-Byberry must've been really out of control!!
*pulls on white jacket* What can I say I'm only here to help. =)
you need glasses then lol
FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS. Wow, we deserve a nobel prizes, we just figured out one of life's greatest mysterys!!