140 Comments Posted by Paul

I grew up in KP the first 22 years of my life. I worked in bldgs 7 and 21 between 1980 and 1985. It's amazing to me that this place has become a part of history and folklore. I also used to explore the tunnels and roofs during my less-than-packed work schedule.

One thing I learned was that the line between the patients and employees was VERY gray and blurry.

I need to find pics of me and my work mates at work. Write me at somfp69@yahoo.com if you want to know more.
Don't know what all you guys think, but the whole place looks ready for someone to move in right now!
i remember the first time i walked in that room
the last room on the right i used to sleep on it
yall need to spend a night in there and ten u will never wanna see pics of it again try it like i did BUT u have to do it on the 30th of october and trust me you will be shooke
i was in this room when i broke into it crazy shit
I miss those days!.
Good site
What about the Raleigh?
Any information or pictures from the Concord or Raleigh Hotels. I have great memories from both .
no not SlipKnoT lmfao
Surely in a dayroom patients would have stopped by staff should they have scratched the walls?
The historical side is brilliant. The techical commentarys wonderful..the ohotographs ,fantastic...and the criticism.unwarranted as these are a mans personal views..not finacially driven expose
I have to disagree its far more credible that these old vessels should spend their retirement in each others company rather baeen reduced to razor blades. While the ships and boats still lie here the memories are still quiet vivid...When they are gone..they die...and we tend to forget. I equate ships with living things..they are born the live ..they trans form they grow old..they retire and die. Some of these ain't ready to die yet.
Go on open it..you know you want to!

You won't be happy till you know whats inside......