274 Comments Posted by Patrick

Well groomed moss, a must!
I love the shadows from the low light, it almost looks like fog.

Very nice perspective, I love this shot!
The light dancing on the tiles is amazing.
Jazzed up decay, sweet!
Wow friggin WOW!

Awesome capture, I could walk right into this one.
Wow first post, I am honored.

Are these lowly radiator covers praying to the steam gods?
Might as well forget the shotgun, those damn shels will just jam the thing up.

What a slew of crap.
(From the Toilet musem website) http://www.toiletmuseum.com/faq.html

Who invented the toilet? Was it really a guy named Thomas Crapper?

If I had a nickel for every time I've been asked that, I'd have, oh, about seventy-five cents actually. The fact is, nobody knows exactly who invented the toilet, but the general consensus is that it was not Thomas Crapper. While toilets date back to ancient times, the modern toilet can be more accurately traced back to Sir John Harrington, who described a waste disposal system in the Metamorphosis of Ajax in the 16th century. Some accounts of Thomas Crapper's life indicate that he patented the flush toilet in 1861, but Adam Hart-Davis, author of Thunder, Flush and Thomas Crapper, discovered that, while Thomas Crapper filed for a total of six patents, the earliest being filed in 1881, not one of them was for a flush toilet. It's quite possible that we can thank Sir Thomas Crapper for giving us the word,
Honestly I just think it's the wheelchair that is deformed.
Of all the sets I think I enjoyed this one the most so far.

Words like incredable and fantastic come to mind but don't really do justice to the magic you work with your camera.

Sincere thanks Motts.
Motts when did you leave Dixmont and go to Britney's house :) jk love you Britney
That dustpan on the floor must be very tired of waiting...
mmmmmmmmmmm BEER ORBs!!!!!!!!!