441 Comments Posted by Nvusofmotts

Could be wrong, but i think these are called "hip vaults".
Just needs some pews and some stained glass.
Baker-Miller Pink. Yeeecchhhh!!!. It looks like that thing would suddenly open big wide eyes and start walking toward you..(thump...thump...thump...). Actually, there are two dark-ish spots toward the top that kind of LOOK like eyes...or is it only me who sees that ?
(to the tune of the old 80's song)...."I always feeeel like....somebody's WATCHING meeeee......". Weird that this isn't just a small window. Seems like it would be hard to see through....hmmmm.
How fun to get to see this place, with little surprises around each corner. Wish I'd been there :-).
Anyone else completely creeped out by the blackness under the stairs (coming from a person who cannot STAND to set foot in a dark basement, or one that has "open-backed" stair risers...(shudder..)? I know these aren't open, but still.....things can reach around......
Hall of mirrors.
OK, I have to say the obvious. Looks like the back of a church. Georgeous!! I think this would have taken my breath away if I'd just come across it while wandering through the rest of this place.
Oh geez, I HATE those "subway" tiles that people seem to have in their houses these days!! They always remind me of , well, dirty SUBWAYS, and places like this :-0. Never will understand why people like "institutional" -looking stuff in their living spaces. (???)
Medieval dungeon?
Sked said it before I could. I agree. The shafts of light make this shot. Beautiful.
I like this one. Almost makes you expect to see some small, chitinous (or maybe oily-furry?) critter go skittering from one side to the other back there in the back blackness...with eyes glowing, of course :-).
Endless hallway! This one reminds me of Alice falling through the rabbit hole.... I agree with many of ya...they don't build things like this anymore. Just too expensive. Sad :-(.
Love the symmetry. Looks like a painting, almost.
In my opinion, graffiti is the human version of people who have absolutely no class running around marking "their" "territory" like animals, because in their everyday lives as losers, they have nothing better to do. Pathetic, but true.