9 Comments Posted by NursePixie

LOL this one hurts my eyes & brain. The angle is messing me up lol!!
Great shot!
a kite perhaps?
I love the picture of the statue!!! Dont know if this has been asked already...but can you make it a wallpaper...pretty please! <3 NursePixie
I can picture someone sitting in that chair & staring out the window. And it looks like they just got up and left it exactly the way it was.
Those hoppers flush big and loud. I usually just flush and run lol.
We still use the bed pan washers religiously. Its called a Sani-flush. They are great for cleaning out the plastic bedpans cause the water is forceful and the steam ensures its somewhat sanitized.
Almost reminds me of a crib.. did the side rails go up motts? i cant quite tell
Nap time anyone?
Brain maybe?
"Parents were told that their children were being sent to "Special Sections" for children where they would receive improved care.[26] The children sent to these centres were kept for "assessment" for a few weeks and then killed by lethal injection, their deaths recorded as "pneumonia". Autopsies were usually performed, and brain samples were taken to be used for medical research." -Wikipedia
Id put my bets on it being a large sanitzing unit. It could be used for sanitizing any large equiptment. See here : http://epsdecon.com/ems_centers