22 Comments Posted by NikonFreak

Interestingly enough Janet Frame was nearly lobotomized right before she won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Guess that would make the good doctor look bad, especially after what happened to Rosemary Kennedy.
I kind of agree with Kevin - it seems that the perceptions most ppl have about these places is based on stupid B-horror movies. Blood on the walls? Yeah, right.
Maybe this is where they send deranged University of Michigan fans .... LOL (Can you tell i root for the Buckeyes?) :P
...and from my days working as a pharmacy technician...!
I recognize some of these from my days working at an outpatient psych clinic. ADL's....noooooooo...LOL
I'm sure some things just weren't worth taking...like the monstrous pool table. Who wants to deal with that? Although I love the game of pool, so it really pains me to see it sitting there, festering with mold!
A hood can be used in pharmacies to mix IVs, not necessarily "toxic" chemicals. There are those to encourage air flow to preserve sterility, as well as those that are to keep things like chemo drugs away from the person preparing the IV. This one reminds me of one I used to prepare chemo drugs at a hospital pharmacy, but it's hard to tell exactly.