27 Comments Posted by Neko

The sun and rust look like fire.
Looks like there's something still in the drain. But it does have an "antiquew" look to it. A well "loved" sink.
My fiance should get a kick out this. I'll have to write it down for him. It made me giggle but I kind of felt bad, but since it is a joke I feel better.
Demonic beauty shop? Yes I'd like to get my horns trimmed please!
The chair wet itself...?
Zombies where?! Regardless, interesting pic. It looks lonely there....Almost waiting.
You look like you belong in the picture for some reason. Really neat photo opp!
Kind of creepy looking....It looks so big. Sends shivers up my spine to think of patients sitting there watching whatever they watched there.
I see a "No" at the top....
Also I kind of want to cry looking at this photo. There's something sad that makes me want to cry for the former patient who drew it.
When I used to visit my family I often saw across from their cottage an abandoned theme park on this island. I know it's abandoned because I've been visiting there for 24 years and the ferris wheel has yet to move. I wish they would tear it down, it creeps me out.
Absolutely amazing!
It looks like he is trying to bandage her arm actually. In his hand is a white thing and on her arm it looks like a white bandage. Maybe the tiling is just miscolored.....