117 Comments Posted by Navi.

On the subject of stealing...

I can't speak for a place like this, but in the case of places that are owned by the state (such as the hospitals), whether the buildings are abandoned or not, they are still state property. Which means everything inside them is state property. Hell, the "no trespassing" sign I have is state property! Like it or not, all of this is someone else's property and it is, by law, stealing.

I'm sure no one wants a lawsuit on their hands over someone trespassing and getting hurt and I agree that's why they guard these places to begin with. But if stealing is a crime, do you think the cops aren't going to care if you walk out with an armful of state property?

Any crime gives reason for the owners of these places to step up their security. By saying you want a damn orange phone, you're sending a red flag to security that they have more possible trespassers.

Damn, then I guess that means the tent won't hold...
I don't know when elevators were invented, but handicap laws have been pretty lax for a long time...My friend has her art studio classes in an old mill that was built around the late 19th century (I think, might have been early early 20th) and there's no elevator except for a broken down freight thing, a lot of people tried to tell her she couldn't hold classes there because it's not handicap accessible.
Probably because that icky polyester stuff wasn't in existence or widely used when the pillow was made.
So pretty.
Definitely my favourite (so far)...though I haven't commented on the other images because they left me speechless!
Oh, sorry. I always forget to launder that dress.

I'm an avid defender of graffiti, but sorry, mindless tagging is not art and if that's a subculture, I'll stick with mainstream. These aren't even good tags.
Large population?
My shower curtain is really gross and that scares me too.
I don't think the law enforcement will matter when they're too high to distinguish between a stable and a rotting floor. ;)

I can see the headlines now..."Teen Dies in KPPC Incident, Impaled on Own Decorative Sword."
And will you be high then too?

That would be natural selection at its finest.
Urban Explorer. :)
Shoot me. Shoot me now.

I can't bear to live when places with names like "Chestnut Green" exist!
Thanks for the info, Ozpsychnurse. :)