497 Comments Posted by N

If there ever was something that gave off a "gates of Hell" vibe, it is this picture. What is wrong with that wall? Is that what remains of whatever held the tiles on?
Something I have noticed in all these shots that contain those window shades: There is always at least one that is intact and one that is decaying, Creepy.
That word alone sounds like a spelling bee contestant's worst nightmare.
Well, so much for my "cleaned out" comment from before. Looks like this room is full of various things.
Is that...a bed? It is so ruined looking that it took me awhile to make the connection.
Don't see how it can do much rolling. That wheel looks pretty beaten up.
Don't know which is more suprising: the light staying on for two years and not burning out or the fact there is still electricity flowing through a building abandoned long ago.
Abandon all hope all ye who enter...
Looks like a miniature landscape...a rank, foul smelling landscape.
They really cleaned this place out over the years. There is hardly anything left by the looks of it.
Looks like the institution version of the cookie cutter suburb homes. They all look identical, least from here.
Those look much better in the shadows than in the light, like a pleasing jade green. And the ceiling is so dark it looks as if there is just a gaping hole up there
The stark contrast between that tile and the massive amount of rust on that door is amazing. And why is the window on the door opaque? Privacy concerns?
What's with the window frame looking into the adjacent room?
I don't know electrical jargon, so I must ask: A repeater? And that wheelchair is ANCIENT!