497 Comments Posted by N

This picture must accurately describe Eric B. and Rakim: abandoned by people and broke up....not that I have any idea if such is true, so this can just be considered a joke.
I just love that border around the stage...or what's left of it anyways.
Boy, someone REALLY had it out for these poor statues.
Looks like they couldn't bring themselves to lop off the tyke's head too.
He's come back with one phrase: "Where is my head?" (best spoken in a spooky voice)
It's like the building upstairs is Earth and the basement is the creepy transition into Purgatory and Hell.
My inner OCD is telling me to arrange them back in order.
Well now we have body-less heads laying about...what is up with just smashing the heads off these statues?
They're already well on their way to becoming the Christian equivalent of Roman statues.
Must not have tried hard enough getting it out, since there was the easy solution of taking it apart. And I would say just clean it up, but I have no idea how, or even if, you clean a painting. Aside from dusting it off that is.
Headless Jesus...wasn't the crucifixtion bad enough? No need to go knocking off His head.
This must have been a very lovely, beautiful room back before it was left to decay....and that damn graffiti back there just ruins it.
That is some BRIGHT green they used...or it's just the brightness of the room amplifying the color.
Looks like someone must have broken the window on the left at some point...and that is one gorgeous...well I don't know what to call it.
I must ask...what exactly is a chancel? And what would that space in the back be used for?