3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

If I make a trip out to England, I will definitely check into it... I have a few I'd like to see in the England/Scotland area.
Not to stir anything up, but wasn't no-trespassing.net the center of some big fiasco because they had photos of themselves standing in front of a blazing fire in Pennhurst? The site looks familiar, not sure if it was them or not.
About 100 feet I'd say.
I shoot everything in color, then decide if they should be in black and white later on. The colors looked muted and nasty in this photo.
Cool, it looks like a counterweight used to keep the door open. I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it!
It's really not the chair featured in the movie.
This was from one of our little super secret underground meetings where a bunch of exploring types get together and check out some neat places in the area.
Comment pruning has begun, this photo was first because ironically, it had the most comments... it was reduced from 102 to 19.
I'm fine, it wasn't a long term feeling of sickness. There might've been carcinogens in the fumes but I can only carry so many masks...
Yes I can, but it makes the name of this place available to the millions of people on the internet.
That's impossible, his face is blurred out... :)
This is a projector room, where they kept movie projectors, not patients ;)
Usually the stained glass gets stolen pretty quickly... I know I photographed some more this past summer, but the ones I have found already can be found here: http://opacity.us/sear...ages&u=1#results
Yes sir, it's an infrared shot. They are usually characterized by foliage turning white and a clear blue sky turning dark, but sometimes it's tough to tell like in this shot (it was overcast).
There was an official tour? Interesting...