3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Thank you for your opinion, future shoots such as these will be placed in a different area all together if I do pursue this direction any further.
The arch is the backside of this facade: http://www.opacity.us/image1578_decor.htm
It looks to have been done by a homeless person residing in the hospital after it closed, the items looked like they came from the curbside.
Yes, the room was covered in moss.
I'm guesing the shot was taken at about 5 in the afternoon...
Parts of the hospital were built before electric elevators were even invented, much less a standard. This could have been a stairwell or a corner of the original 1856 "Old Main" building, and the windows were left in.
Nah, it's fun!
k9mind, I am not quite sure what you are referring to. I don't use any effects on my digital camera... this shot was lit by a flashlight with the camera on a tripod, if that is what you are asking?
There are two cemeteries on the property, I know one has been cleaned up and a memorial set in some time ago, not sure about the status of the other.

I don't think anyone plans to relocate the graves, so they will probably remain where they are.
John Archer has one, although I don't know much about the transaction. He is standing in front of the detached spire in this news article photograph - http://www2.townonline...2221&format=text

Also found some shots of another spire and the metal ornament that everyone wanted to have, they look to be ready for auctioning off. There are some photos of the Kirkbride being gutted on the second page as well. http://community.websh...lbum/551863350xjSrDw
If a patient is endangering other people, seclusion is a way to let him/her calm down rather than using restraints.
Power was supplied to the lights and outlets in most places except the theater/rec center, but the heat and water was cut off everywhere. A skeleton crew still enters and maintains the building 6 days a week according to a log book I found...

A building with power often deters vandals and thieves/scrappers.
It was about 20x20. I have no idea, it looked like one big room but perhaps all the walls are gone except for the ones used for structural support...
I had it wide open at F2.8. Thank you for the suggestion.
It is a hole from something that was removed, quite possibly for resale or scrap when the facility closed.