66 Comments Posted by MemphisBelle2

..Artwork on the walls? That's graffiti. And it sucks. Damn taggers just lay it on wherever they want and diminish whatever was already there.
Everyone is to blame for this place and what happened to it. The parents who put their children in it, the public with children and without who took no notice, those who rook notice and did nothing including even casting a measly vote to correct it, the staff who were grossly inefficient, and especially all those who saw it, sniffed, and stated that it wasn't their fault. I'm sorry, that "doctor" (Fear, was it??) on the news story at the top of this page was nowhere near competent.
Never be sorry for your poetry! Your photographic poetry is why we're here anyway! Good show, ol' boy. Good show.
Nothin' like a midnight walky-walk.:)
Lol I don't even follow football and the Steelers floor caught me too
"...it's a...COOKBOOK!!!!"
At least these chairs aren't lonely hehe
Or on you! You got kahonies.
Good place (pardon) to remind everyone to keep up to date on their vaccinations!!
When a building is listed as a historic place, no one's allowed to tear it down, and attempts of some kind have to be made to keep at least it's facade standing. These supports seem to be all they could have done or all tht made sense to do by the time the place finally made it onto the Nat'l. Register.There's also always funds to consider, and those plus interest in the place usually equal how much or how little will be done to save/restore a location.
LIke I've said I really appreciate the occasional shot of a person or surrounding modernity like this; adds so much to the commentary, the life, of this work. Like a perfect, silent framework to the history. Well done!!
Sooo gorgeous.
You find and capture such beauty in the everyday and forgotten!! Really lovely work.