1,579 Comments Posted by MamaToFiveInPA

Larry D

(the Zombies put it there)
Deerrrrr...don't ask questions you REALLY don't want to know the answers to...lol!

It looks like just a lot of dust and dirt and fall-out from those wretched tiles.
Yep Joe...wanna go first and find out??

I triple Dog-Dare ya! :D
OMG OfMiceAndBen...It is funny that you wrote that because guess what my hubby made the kids to drink with supper today?

Lime Green Kool-Aid LOL! We call it Toxic Waste Kool-Aid because of the color. :D
OOH OOHHH! I know what Candlepin Bowling is!!

Never played it but I know what it is! (I am from Scranton PA)

And yes...this was in my dream, though I don't quite remember the details since it WAS a while ago. I just know that I was in some kind of institution and as a daytrip we went bowlng and the lanes are DEAD on to this one. Kind of ironic that this picture is IN an institution isn't it?

Thank you Motts for bringing my nightmare alive. :) Good eye though!
LOL AD Nilsen...you crack me up buddy. :D

I can sleep better now knowing that I DO exsist dang it! LOL!
MMMM me either AD Nilson (nice to see you again BTW)...

Not unless you want to glow GREEN for the rest of your days and have random body parts falling off.

*Shudders at that thought*
BKW--I would think if there WERE an emergency or disaster that a lot of people would be trampled to death. That isn't good. DEF. not up to code by today's standard I am sure.
LOL@Lady Ethereal Butterfly

That too...oooh...a ZOMBIE McDonald's!!! That's it!!
OOOoh...look up at the ceiling on the far right and you CAN see that tiles are missing.

*Lonely Tile(s) Shot?*
I agree with Just Me...though I have no personal experience with rides or anything like that.

I sure hope the rides are safe at places like Six Flags because that would really put a damper on my Summer since we go to Six Flags, Dorney Park, Hershey Park, and sometimes Busch Gardens Williamsburg (though that is a 9 hour car trip for us!) every year.

Ephemera: Royal Land
I love how the light is streaking down the walls (or appears to be) that makes it look like a special-effects in a movie...like you are running really FAST or something.

4 theatres...wow. THAT is nuts!

Thanks for another AWESOME gallary!! When are you gonna post more more more more more???

The gutter needs cleaning...

My mind is constantly here. Now I know where to find it if I need it. :D
AH that paint! MY EYES!

That sure is bright! Can you imagine one of those balls accidentally falling off that return-thing and falling on your foot as you waited for it?

(That happened to me once! LOL!)
O.M.G. this is the allwy from a dream I once had.

Now THAT is freaky. I think my heart just stopped a moment.
