1,579 Comments Posted by MamaToFiveInPA

Hmmm...that doesn't look like ANY shade of blue I have ever seen.

Ppssst Mr. Motts? You seem to have spilled some paint! :D
Looks like a big alien coming to wreak havoc on the city.

I wouldn't climb this for all the money and gold and riches in the world. UHHHH UHHHHH!!! NOO way!
I agree with Dr. fallen. :D

Who are those people standing there? And WHY in the love of all that is decayed did someone write "BEANS" on that window? I thought it said BRAINS at first and I had a really cool Zombie Apocolypse comment all ready, but then I looked again, and I thought "BEANS?" what the HECK?

Maybe it is a hobo menu? Hmmm...what is the psychology on that one Dr. fallen? :D
That is a good question greenskulker. I wonder too.

I love this shot!
The one on the left isn't looking so healthy...might need to do something about that. I am glad to see the lonely chair at least has some company here lol. The lonely chair and friend shot?
LOL @ lone chair. I remember that!

Great pic...so...sad and depressing, but also interesting and fascinating. A look into the past and a view of our future if we don't take care of what we have today.
Wow. Just...wow.
I would not never have guessed either what this is if I hadn't read the description. Those mushrooms are so creepy, yet beautiful. I thought LIGHT BULBS when I looked at them, but then I thought ALIEEEEEN! :D

GOOD SHOT Motts!!!! (Nice to be back BTW!)
Oh oh...the Zombies are coming.

Shame to see such craftmanship so abandoned.

No you don't. I am not here. Are any of us REALLY...here?

Gosh this is creepy.
BTW...is that an airplane I see flying over the plant there in that bottom pic? :D
Wow. My biological mom and HER mom (probably) weren't even a twinkle in anyone's eye in 1910! That was around the general time of the Titanic wasn't it? Wow. This place is beyond MASSIVE. It is absolutely MONSTROUS!
Ick. I agree about that color. It is just soooo...Pea Soup (which we just had for supper not that long ago lol) colored. Reminds me of the psych hospital pics on here.
They should renovate if it is possible. Buildings like this shouldn't be left to just rot--they are built to be used. I hope that they can reuse it!

This is really weird, but I guess, like everyone else, that the vandals couldn't get those heavy bannisters out of there without using power tools (heh) and making a LOT of noise. Still...this is actually almost spooky.