29 Comments Posted by Lucy

Hey, didnt realise someone took a photo of my kitchen! ewww. jokes aside, totally loving these photos!
Totally tim burton style! but have to say.... guardian of the gate? didn't look after it that well if you look at the actual gate....
Still.... great picture
beautiful, yet eerie.....
I came across this site by learning more about padded rooms & reasons behind them and have spent the last 2 hrs looking over all these photos, This photo I had to comment on, if this is a place which has not been used for many of years has no one come to open this casket? surely kids are local & are dared to open this, i know if i lived nearby my friends would of dared me or another to open this and see whats inside. its an amazing photo. can't wait to spend next 2 hours looking through more photos
Has anyone noticed that on the blue door (which is the outside view of the door) there's two holes, ie. for a lock and a door handle. Where as on the white door (the side from inside the room) there's only one hole? Guessing this was some kind of cell which could be only opened from the outside, ie. inmates were locked in. Creepy!
I loved the whole show!! Let me know when anyone wants to know about Cali... mostly the LA area!!

The eyes are soooo scary:(
Excellent pictures, your braver than I am.
oddy why would any hosp have two doors that way? or did you guys find it like that?
what happened here? I so what to know what is going on!
They look creepy I do agree with that. Though I would like to come here and see this place for myself...o.O
is that a good thing or a bad thing? because the "Treatment Room " sounds very creepy to me, like they did some type of 3vil stuff in there...o.O
wow, I totally can't believe what people did in there. Though I would really like to know if what I heard about what they did to people in there was true or not?
Having worked in a state school/hospital for 16 or more years I am appalled by this "Adult Crib" we have not a do not use such things. When we have a client that falls or something to that nature we put up side rails on hie/her regular bed and we have a staff person sit one to one. Until we get permission to put up the Rails since it is a restriction of movement. After the railing is installed on thier bed we have 5 minute checks or still sitting one to one if need be.