552 Comments Posted by Kristiara

I'm sorry, but i would feel seriously guilty for grafitting a church or chapel! Especially in a mental institution!
Is that artificial brickwork on the window wall? Or original construction covered up by tacky wallpaper and paint?
Wonderful shot! You walk up the stairs back when everything was new and then one more step brings you to the decay...like one of those time elapsed scenes where you actually watch the transformation from new to old.
LOL! Good Morning, I'm Nurse Ratchett and I'll be your hostess today!
I've been lurking or haunting this board for about a year now, and that is one thing I've noticed. Almost everytime, the exterior walls always seem to be in the worst shape. They didn't have Anderson windows back then, so drafts moisture, leaks and broken windows are probably the culprit.
Is the blue peeling to reveal the green or is the green peeling to reveal the blue?
The black bubbling yellow paint looks like ginormous huge ants!
Oh, thank god! I was starting to go through withdrawl!
The left arm of the chair seems unaffected while the rest of chair is charred, thats odd.
Unfortunately, most of society is more interested in sprinting forward instead of standing still and admiring the beauty of the past. Most people dont see these buildings for what they really are, only what they were used for.
Breathtaking and aweful! It reminds me of the graphics in the computer game "The Black Mirror" I wonder if St. Margaret's Hospital wasn' t the inspiration for the game.
Very ironic, the administration is in worse condition than the patient wards.