who could forget me.i also coach basketball and fill in on girls traval softball.you have to enjoy being around kids and watch them grow from kids who can't swing a bat to hitting home runs or can't hit a shot in b-ball to being all stars on traval teams.i want kids to know that you may to something wrong,but you can fix it and move on,and you can't change the past just work on the present.don't make the same mistake twice.in gaebler there were staff in there who gave you a chance,and there were (85%)you did not care that you were human (let alone a child).i think that bothers me more then losing 3 years of my life.that is the shame of it,for me i give my time without a price to help kids.i go to bed without nightmares or sadness.for some staff i hope they lose sleep over what they have done in there.there are some like neil,willie,karen and there are more not to much more that i think tried.not to much more though.
i know people or kids can change there own ways,i myself coach kids and went on to play sports in high school and went on to college.so i have learned that i did not want to be caged and wanted to make kids that i coach or give pitching lessons to that there are kids who don't have it as good as they do,and to be lucky.i have not told them about places like gaebler because i could picture them in something like that.by the way my name is shane maureen.
but what was good about it?to look back for a lot of friends that know that werethere had bad thoughts even i had them.notting good came from that place.most of the staff did not care and most of the kids all ended up in prison or back in the dmh.i live my life not caring for the place and knowing that i did not want to be caged not being able to go outside because someone says so.it is funny to see gaebler in web sites,a friend told me of this site.maureen i know her and was nice always to me.a happy person.i have talked to other staff there out at a mall or something and it is cool because i got along with them.
momto 4 a friend of mine told me about this and i was on ward A the same time you were there.it is crazy that there is this site.i thought that people would go into something like this.