245 Comments Posted by Kassie

I find more and more, the archetecture of this building makes it feel...less institutional and sterile, you know? Instead of looking and feeling like a hospital, it looks and feels like a church, or places that are comfortable. Especially this shot. It makes me think of a hallway in a household, you know?
Stephen King. That's what this shot reminds me of. Even the title. Very King-esque.
This seems kind of playful, and again, brings back memories of a school where I competed in a music festival. For some reason, this room makes me think of the warm up room I had. Bot wow...it's amazing what some large, open spaces and good lighting will do, eh?
What a neat/unusual angle, and well worth it, too! There's something about this photo that strikes me...then again, this whole gallery has done the same.

It reminds me of the Titanic or something, you know?
Wow! I love the colours in this, and the structure is really neat. I'm loving the ceiling and the stage (yes? no?)
Wow...the lighting in this one...for some reason, it strikes memories of being in the elementary school I was in, and waiting on a warm spring day for school to be dismissed. It's...it just feels like that, a lot.
Hmmn, there's something so...different about this place, than the other shots you've taken. It seems so surreal, like a movie set or something, you know?

This is a lovely shot. I especially love the crisp line between the plastered rotting wall and the tiles. And sinks you say? As in...not smashed by vandals? How interesting. Not what I'm used to seeing!
This is absolutely beautiful. The ceiling...was that an exclusive feature of THIS particular asylum, did you find, Motts, or did many of the ceilings have that curve or arch to them? It definatly seems different than the American ones, so far! Beautiful.
I love the lighting on this...and I can just imagine the texture, all that wonderful peeling paint under my fingertips...ahh... So beautiful. I can't help but be entranced by how tall the ceilings are...gorgeous.
This room definatly doesn't have the charm of say, the hallway shots you took, which were beautiful, but I must say, I'm liking the tiling on the floor.
Has anyone found the underground tunnels????
Wow Motts, I really love the shadows in this picture. Go lighting! ^_^
I have to admit, along with the gallery where you have the "beam me up" photo, this is one of your definatly fun galleries, even though you weren't feeling well.
Hope you're feeling better now though, hun.
What a fun shot! I really love it!
Aww, that lamp looks as if it's ready to run away, crying, "I didn't do it!"
How appropriate...a tribute to the worst hair cut in the world...the Bowl Cut.
But you know...that thing beside the words "Bowl Cut" DOES actually really resemble a soap dispenser.