5 Comments Posted by Jima

These shots are beautiful. They express what no words ever could. You misenterpreted my statements. I never said they were positive. But so much lies behind this image that it simply boggles the mind. The energy and stories that it would tell if it could are amazing.
thats depressing a little...but it also represents hope.....i like this shot...it could be used as a motivational piece.
...wow...thats all i can say

People can be horrible... they freak out over what they don't understand and the sad part is they don't even try to understand. They think if they push it under the rug it isn't there.

Not right...
I love the graffiti over happy things because it, in a way, reveals the truth that underlies painted pictures. There is more to things than what meets the naked eye...beautiful sot.
Tis shot is completely beautiful. I could cry from the emotion that screams from its very existence. Unbelievably AMAZING.