6 Comments Posted by JTMcD

The gym was located on the East Side, not in main complex. The East Side is across the Blvd. It was a small building with glass on both long sides and doors on ends, small office also at one end.
In the basement of W-3 there were many interesting tunnels and sub-tunnels. These lead to the Kitchen across the small street , to W-6 and ?? because even in the 70's there were some sub-tunnels locked off by metal gates.
This small auditorium was on the ground floor in the office side of W-3. It was used by the Education Dept. for lectures and conferences.
Furey Ellis Hall was the large auditorium, it was a stand along buliding, used for Christmas shows, etc. A smaller auditorium was in W-3 in the section used for offices by the Education Dept., it was used for confereences. In the basement of W-3 was a medical auditorium used for autopsies.
W-6 has a long history. At one time the "East Unit" relocated there. It was last occupied by the SMRU who moved there from C-8,9&10 in the summer of 1988. Last patient left in February 1989.
There was a gym on the East side of facility. It was a one story building with glass on both long sides and a small office at one end. I worked at Byberry from 11-71 to 2-89.