436 Comments Posted by Ilovehorseyrides

Hi, everyone!!! I was here just this morning, around 10 AM, just before they opened it for the day. I took some great pictures, but I didn't go inside(my dad's too scared).
And besides, my family's too scared to go.
No, Mouse. It's too far from my house. (43 min drive)
I like abandoned buildings, too, Larry. In fact, I live close to two of them: I love close to Eastern State Penitentiary and Pennhurst.
mikey no cursing!
Me too, Merc24!
Not me, Merc24!
Yes, Larry. One word describes that: SCARY!!!!!
Oops I meant meant
Oops I ment here
I saw this on TV on the haunted house's grand opening. They had a doll on there.
I wonder what they did to Dopey for the haunted house, maybe painted him with an evil face???
Hey Mouse, the haunted house opened last night.
Yes mary hight, people do visit. It's a haunted house attraction.