14 Comments Posted by Frey

I can't think of anything to say except...
I think it's marvelous! HaHaHa
Love the mid-late 70 color feeling... I wonder if it will turn more and more red over the next 10 years... LOL!!!
The poor kid is probably holding the cat like a gun trying not to get his damn eyeballs scratched out... and why is it that back in the day the women folk had to be man handled to get them to do anything intelligent in times of desperation... Geez LOL!!!
Electric soap dispenser, wow, how advanced is that??? Amazing, Thanks Motts, who would have known...
This is a hardwood floor, brown is its color... I so can see a scene from "fire walk with me" being taped here, awesome!!!
WOW!!! The contrast between the two areas make it look fake... Awesome!!! I'll be looking at it for hours...
First section litterally translated;
The holy mountain gehorte in the first labren after the seizure of power to the firm component of the national socialistic blood and ground mystik. In 12 month construction time, the reichsarbeitsdienst with unterstutzung created Heidelberg students on the alleged Germanic kultplatz the so-called thingsatte on the holy mountain a freilichtanlage fur ns organization. Propagendaminister Joseph goebbels ubernahm on 22 June 1935 in the frame of a disposed turning point celebration the inaugural of the thingstatte, that it as a true church the rich and instead of stone become nationalsozialismus ruhmte. Goebbels appears attracted uber in addition to fahnenwald, uniform, music and riesenchor 20,000 persons on the stone zuschauerrange, one counted, that disposed turning point celebrate in spateren and never was reached thingspielen mel
Might I add my "SWEET" to the list as well!!!
No sir, YOU are the caretaker. You've always been the caretaker. I ought to know: I've always been here.
OMG, they didn't say wouldn't it be cool to perform a lobotomy in that hall??? No, they were joking about the persons present in the picture... I think everyone understands that these places had the tendency and ability to do terrible and frightening things. However these things are in the past we cannot change them and being curious about the buildings themselves is not a crime. Trespassing is but that’s another conversation...
"JC is Lord" says it all, clearly these idiots thought they were doing Gods work...
What is the facination of spray painting walls in abandoned buildings... I just don't understand...
May I point out his right hand couldn't be holding anything his fingers are out stretched and there is paint missing between the fingers, no knife, no six fingers, just a creepy painting by a halfarsed artist...
thats a great picture. its a shame those sons of bitches are tearing it down