7 Comments Posted by Enjoyit.

Amazing shot.
Dig it!
That empty "crunch' column is kind of sad, haha.
Genius angle! Vertigo is right.
Hahahahahaha @ Andy and MamaToFive, I agree.
Aylah: I agree that sometimes nothing is black and white or good and evil, but no one is put on a path. Everything comes down to a conscious decision. Everyone can't use childhood situations as a scapegoat all the time. Also, there's no need to call someone ignorant on here based on their opinion. How do you know where anyone on here came from so that you can say something like "Just cause they did not come from where you did you can stand on your high horse"? I didn't know names on this site came with a small biography on the person as well. Stop pointing fingers and making uneducated accusations. It's ridiculous. You both have opinions and that's great, it's what makes the world go 'round, but no need to start getting offensive.