20 Comments Posted by Dustin

Just curious....but why would you remove anything from the site?

Not very ethical......
I've seen Graffiti in bizzare, remote locations. I dont see the logic, but then again.....I think the entire act stems from the lack of. It's ignorance. It shows a lack of respect for our history, and each other. Nobody cares about the people that came before them. Most kids these days see no further than themselves.

Scenes like this are a testament to that.

A shame.......
Some of you are incredibly obnoxious. Nobody has died there since it was originally opened. Nobody was locked in anything, there are no little girls, nothing is haunted.

It's an old, sad place full of bad memories. That's it.
SSad that demolition starts in november... its to bad it cant be that ominous building on the hill forever..
i have to go by this place everyday on my way to school (northshore Community College which is located close to danvers state) the looming builind on top of the hill is something that will cause me to get in a car accident one of these days. i find myself staring up there... wondering... its truly sad that demolition will begin in November