5 Comments Posted by Dr490nw4rri0r

Looks like a space from a zombie film.
For mother russia?
Hah, Ausfahrt.
I chuckled inwardly at that, and then felt a little ashamed of myself.
there is no god's number, idiots. If it isn't in the bible, or in the torah, or in the Qu'ran, it has nothing to do with this mythical "god" figure. It should also be pointed out that there never was any figure called "god" but that the actual names used by CHristians and Jews for their deity were simply changed to "god" to generalize and to combat the pagan religions which on several occasions were becoming more prevalent in the population who saw that christianity was not living up to it's claims, and in modern times this is proven by history. Go pick up some history books on the middle ages, early classical period, and late classical period, and STFU.
I'm not sure if anyone else has seen Session 9. I watched it last night with my girlfriend and it's easily one of our favorite films.
Very Creepy film, and the cast in a DVD special feature made mention of how weird the whole place was, and how they knew without a doubt that the place was haunted. Did you hear any voices, Motts? See any black or white blurs out of the corner of your eye? anything weird like that?