3 Comments Posted by Dianne

I worked there as an aide from 1969, summers and part time, until late 1972.
Interesting comment. However, it was the entire old wing aka "the back wards" that were reserved for more disturbed patients until it was all re-organized in the early 1970's.
This shot reminds me of the roof tops of a small town in Brussels or England.

Leave it to the State of Massachusetts to allow an architectural treasure like this to be destroyed.
It amazes me how our tax money NEVER seems to go anywhere but into the pockets of special interests. If we want to preserve something so monumental, we must raise private funds!!!!! There is another state hospital in Medfield Ma. That has LOVELY grounds. Now all the buildings have been closed and all the barns and outbuildings have been torn down. I have no idea what fate awaits Medfield state, I only pray the land is NEVER develped!