84 Comments Posted by DAN

i worked there late 70's patients often like zombies..but saw alot of very violent behavior....psych sessions frequently not relavant to patients confined conditions
i worked there in late '70-early '80 lots of abuse to patients from staff in the underground passageways and from other patients frequently ignored ..... medical care left alot to be deisred ...were still doing electric shock but frontal labodimies done in new orleans only at taht time
I grew up near this place and nobody seemed to know what the hell it was or why it was built, I spent a lot of time hanging out here with friends and drinking beer. Thanks for finally letting me know the back story!
It looks like a late seventies / early eighties bike. From the time period when the style of childrens bikes made the shift from street cruiser style to a more BMX style. The handle bars look BMX but the seat is closer to a banana seat. I had a bike that was similar to this bike in 1979 called the Huffy "road thunder". It was sweet!
which one in this picture is the cafeteria?
where does this red door lead to?
how do u get to the morque?
me and my 10 friends went through this whole building, goddog when u get this message i seen u before and i will be back for u.
there is a kewl morgue in Denbigh Mental... just thought i would let you know... urm... north wales