314 Comments Posted by Claudia

Soap dispensers such a fun and haqrmless comment. LOL
1. Mica you crack me up. Three hinges.
2. flushed I really like this poetry. Is it yours?
WOW just wow., With this type of an article it would be hard for the caregivers to find motivation to care for the patients. I can't imagine working with a population of patients that had such terrible statistics. I would have lived to sit in on the review of this paper.
I would think that the fabric here is canvas and I am impressed that it looks so pristine after all the years it was probably there.
Oh Bobo I have not heard that routine in many years . It made me LOL. Thanks for posting.
Would have loved to see this when it was all together. Must have been beautiful
The one in the back right corner folds like the one that was in the hallway. Having been in here for years probably accounts for how good it looks. I'll bet there was a cot exchange program with the funeral homes so the body did not have to be moved so many times. That narrower type fit on a rail in the back of the old fashioned station wagon type vehicles. It could be locked and used for transport of a body or as an emergency transport vehicle.
It was called the chart rack. It was open under the rack so the charts extended down. With electronic charting all of these are antiques.
The fake fur was in contact with the patient's skin. This is either a wrist or ankle "soft" restraint versus leather restraints. The metal loop was part of the wrist wrap which fastened with velcro and then the long strap tied to the bed frame. These were still in use in the '70's
I want this room. So pretty so much light. Just awesome.
Mine also, feather
This is an amazing picture.
I am hoping that white thing on it's back to the left side of the stage is not that fancy organ.
Would be interesting wall art. Would start a lot of conversations. Maybe even some.........cutting remarks. Sorry