104 Comments Posted by Chey

And there goes MrLou killing the joke. (I'm kidding.........................nice info?) :-)
Eh, oh well. It gives it a cool effect anyway.
November? I thought it was September. Hey if demolition gets prolonged I can live with it but damn............ There has got to be some law against it somewhere.
Ha Ha, my brother had that stenciled on his bedroom door in our old house when I was little. WOW, what a flashback!
Aren't those kind of people supposed to be in a place like, I don't know, what do they call it now, THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!!?? PEOPLE LIKE THAT SHOULDN'T GO TO INSANE ASYLUMS THEY DIE!!! THERE NOT CRAZY THEY'RE DANGEROUS!!!!!
It's really freaky if your the only one walking by it not knowing what it is and out of the corner of your eye you see something move only it's your reflection. ( I don't know if it's a mirror or not but it looks like it could be one)
We haven't heard back from him yet but it is a long shot anyway. They went up there and were just driving around when they were pulled over. They told him they were from Rhode Island and got away with it but man, security is so f*cking tight! You wanna know when he gets back to us?
And you are surprised because..........................?
I've seen some great photagraphers but you blow evryone else out of the water.
Charles Manson would have left real blood and lots of it.
You can practically see spirits inside.
If you irritate me and start to nag,
Yer gonna end up in the morgue in a body bag.......
Which reminds me, I'm hungry. I haven't had breakfast yet.
I wanna live in something like this soooo bad. It's absolutly gorgeous.
A couple friends of mine know someone who wrote a book on the place. They are going to see if he can get them in.