969 Comments Posted by Canada

I want that for the front door to my house!!! Would be so cool to freak out everyone who comes to the door.
that really does look like my old High school.... considering the school I was at that gurney could also be there too.
A Zombie with a broken leg?
And now all that is left are the echoes of the past...
Reminds me of something you would encounter playing D&D

"As you walk through the deteriorating hospital, you encounter a white door with a turquoise square in the center what do you do?"
Sad that all our lives are forever trapped in boxes.
The Pig Man does exist and he had children!!!!!
@ LucieLou if i were a critter i would have used the chair.... it has wheels!!!
Something about that glowing light..... seems surreal in a way. Wow this place mush have been amazing back in the day all that fin wood work and the smell in varnish and wax hovering in the air.
Odd how they seem to walk right down the center and on the same path.... . Reminds me of when I walk on the trails with snow I always seem follow the same trail.
Great lighting, shows the old beauty of this shot very well, I love the sound of old wooden starts.
LOL @ Steven!

Looks like some kind of critter.... might me a Pos-rat! A Possum and a rat in one.
ha you beat me Mama! I was thinking the exact same thing! that alcove would be the perfect place for my bed!
I;m not a fan of pigeons either they really are like rats with wings an they are always ruining architecture and status. I don't see many in my areas . I like in a Vally with mountains and because the hawks eagles and other birds of prey clean the out.
Really nice shot Motts, the contrast between the warm and the cold. You always seem to know how to make the textures and colours Motts.