969 Comments Posted by Canada

Absolutely astounding Motts. I can't even begin to imagine what this church looked like back in it's day. To sit in this spot as the sunlight came in and the stained glass sparkled.... you truly would feel like you were being basked in the glory of God.

You truly captured the glory of God in His house here Motts a stunning photo.
Just imagine the sound of this place all the echoes echoing off those high ceilings. Must have felt so alive here now.... silence.
When men made churches to honor and worship God instead of worshiping themselves.

How such a stunning and majestic church such as this be abandoned is just mind boggling... the details are astounding! Funny how we will try too abandon god but thankfully He never will abandoned us. Believe me I have tried I'm Christian.
You just don't see such stunning details like this anymore.
God welcomes you to His house, you will find peace, beauty and serenity here.
Thanks you so much Motts for getting some photos here in Canada, I hope you get a lot more! This is a stunning and amazing building!!!

From all of Canada I thank you Motts!
evilatar your right here in Canada we use oly and most powerful and sternest warnings to protect you from harm.

Don't underestimate the power of the sign, they may look harmless but they can be very strong and nasty!
I truly hope they will save it we need to save a piece of Canada from the industrial revolution as well as a historic place on the Niagara.
If I saw a just this photo and did not know what this building was I would mistake it for a Government Building like a courthouse or a City Hall. Such wonderful grandeur in this building it's amazing.
Wow that is beyond words,,,, just amazing! One of my fave! thank you for getting such an amazing photograph like this Motts!
This is sensational, Most places like this are torn down here in Canad, with Toronto having such prim real estate and in such a great location one has to wonder how much longer this place will stand.

Can yo make this into a Wallpaper Motts, for your neighbour to the North?
Looks really sinister, deff has a Gothic torcher chamber feel to it.
It must have been so lud there with the sound of the water crashing.
Fantastic Shot Motts great details in it too! How cold was it in Toronto that day Motts?

I have been in -55 once in Northern Alberta that is so cold the your jeans freeze solid!!! Sounds crazy but it's true.