79 Comments Posted by Brian

this building needs some major repairs. What a shame to see it in this condition. I wish some one would renovate it.
I love old buildings but something about this one freaks me out.
what a shame to see this building in such poor condition. the state should have hired a care taker to keep the maintence up on these buildings.
this building should be preserved and renovated. It really pisses me off watching old buildings set and rot .
building 93 looks gorges on the outside. It should be renovated it would make a great hotel or school or homeless shelter.
I love older buildings but this buildings beyond repair and should be demolished its a death trap. its sad to see this building like this. its too little to late to save it. the longer buildings set with out maintence being kept up on them the worse they get each day.
It looks like the state of new york did a half ass job of cleaning these buildings out when they closed. lots off dangorous stuff was left behind. someone could get injured. Also a care taker should have been hired to keep the maintence up on the buildings if that would have happened the buidings would not be in such poor condition know.
This was Sordoni's suite as I understand it. He owned the place for a time. I believe he was a senator as well.
it seems the condition of building 93 keeps getting worse and worse. its very dissapoiting seing this building like this. this building would make a great hotel or a great school. it should be renovated.
These buildings should all be inspected to see if any of them are salvagible. the ones that are fixable should be renovated the rest should be demolished. id love to go inside building 93 and explore it.
it reminds me of the cartoon xmen because normal people are affraid of the mutants. the mutants on xmen were not trated will by humans.
this building should be demolished . its a depressing reminder of how we used to treat people like animals.
this picture really screams Titanic to me.
Wow, you can clearly see where there used to be a hall way and more building. That's so weird how they just bricked it off like that.
I worked for 5 summers emptying all the L shaped buildings. We threw out desks, chairs, cabinets...now looking back, there was nothing wrong with the stuff