Dig the groovy Lime walls! Looks like this is the only room where someone started packing / organizing stuff. The books throughout look like they may have been quite old / out of date / heavily annotated.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and suggest that the seating was color coded for the different tithing levels. ie, Pewter level tithers are in the back standing, tin level slightly closer in the last row of seats, up to platinum level, whom are seated at the piano's.
OK, I feel slightly better, looked like there was only the little arrow, probably ranging in values from OK - IFFY - OPPS. Now we have 8 pens and a dial.
I'm slightly torn about electric shock therapy. One Flew ovther the Coo-Coo's Nest was horrifying. Yet, I have heard that it is one of the potential treatments for altzhiemers, as done on my step father's sister?
I'd like to use one of my lifelines and ask : Claudia?
Wanted: Evil Wizard or Mad Scientist for residency in local stone edifice. Must have: Creepy laugh at inappropriate times, Proven looming and lurking skills, Meglomania, Diminutive yet scary minion, other.
Late hours required, bad hygiene not a problem, Goths given preference. Bat affinity also a plus.
Please include references and or dental proof of last threee misdeads.
Perfomance Artists need not apply.
It seems like we have seem many examples of personal files being abandoned along with the buildings in these galleries. Privacy of data and patient confidentiality weren't really a big concern in the pre-internet era. Assuming that any patients that transferred out had thier records with them, it does make sense to leave the rest of the records in the building. Other options being: drag all the records to a really big warehouse, along with the records from all the other closed institutions statewide. Burn the records. Looks like apathy won many times.
Been a while since one of the photo titles cracked me up like this one did.