273 Comments Posted by Amy

I'm really scared, all these comments are really creeping me out. Well anyways this is my story. Me and my friends couldn't decide whereto go, but we were looking all over places and we thought of somewhere fun to go to. Then we all thought of going to the pilgrim state hospital since its near. We all went walking together in the morning. We didn't go inside though. We were thinking of going again at night. Should we? Can anyone tell me why it was abonaded? Why can't someone burn the whole building If its abonaded? Why can't someone buy it? Is there spirits there? Have anyone seen ghost? Is there really hobo's, cats, dogs, and bats that live there? Why would anyone go at night if there's polices? Can a ghost follow you? My important question is, Is Pilgrim State Hospital really HAUNTED? Someone please give me a big description about the Pilgrim State Hospital and answer all of my questions, thank you very much.,
the lighter spots on the floor kind of look like monster footsteps to me. kind of gives this picture a sad realization-like feeling.... at least to me.
if anyone has any old medical records or interesting facts or stories (stories would be nice) from/about this place, please email me at amywalawala@yahoo.com
or maybee they felt inprisoned in their thoughts and in realty, which would be understandable. because they was,
also, the bunny is in a cirlce, a circle usually represents protection, maybee they didnt feel safe and scaired witht hehuge teeth
sublliminal messaging!
theirs also lots off white things on the floor on that foto, like the white stuff thats on what ever surface the note book is on.
also looks like theirs blood on the wall below her hands, and her out fit doesnt look fitting for the type of person you would expect to do somthing like that for fun.
That woman doesnt look healthy at all, her hands are red as well as her feet and her legs. I wonder if she was in trouble when this photo was takenm if i was u i would of taken it to the police, maybee she was murdered.
The face looks like Michael Myers
could be staff name too....
But Terri ...please remember that this was a different time. If you had a "different looking" or "slow" kid..either evident from birth or thereafter...alot of the medical professionals would highly insist that these kids go to places like Pennhurst. Rarely did a family keep their loved one home & out in public for all to see. If families did provide care within the home.....noboby knew they did!
that's not an examination table...it was used as a changing table for residents that wore a diaper. Although they are no longer used, there are similar tables throughout currently operational PA institutions.
Many Institutions & "Insane Assylums" began as TB hospitals...thus the on-sight medical facilities & locations far from "urban" areas.
Lynn...while i admit that there are some disturbing facilities across the nation, PA has learned & is still learning from the horrible experiences patients were subjected to while residents of Pennhurst. First & foremost....better oversight. PA leads the nation in incident managment & reporting of incidents that happen to MR/DD/II residents whose services are funded under Medicaid Waivers. Providers of service are held to "task" when issues of abuse, neglect & exploitation are discovered. When abuse, neglect &/or exploitation is confirmed through investigative discovery, staff responsible are often referred to local law enforcement. When gross neglegence is suspected/confirmed, providers are often de-licensed as a result. (Their operational license is revoked.)

a You are also giving more credit to some of the current facilities than they deserve for their care. As was the case in the past, facilities today do only as well as they are funded and as well as they are surveyed.