201 Comments Posted by Max

What a stupid looking serpentine rainbow. That was very '70s, putting frickin' rainbows everywhere!
As went that section, so will go the rest of the joint, even if it takes another thirty years. Sad isn't it.

And Danny...LMFAO!!
Cool room. Reminds me of an airplane hangar for the curve of the ceiling.
I didn't know there was a "Boston State." I remember one called "Metropolitan State" in Waltham, and there were several campuses ringing the suburbs, from Danvers to Tewksbury to Medfield. They're all closed now too.
I would compulsively search through every drawer if it took me all day! That's one of the reasons I don't go into places like this in the first place!
Why do people keep referring to "Session 9"? That movie was a total dog. Not even worth the DVD rental.
Anyway, Motts, you wouldn't happen to be "posing" any of these chair shots, whould you?
Little panes of opaque glass...so many to smash, so little time! Heh, heh!
That alcove looks a bit worse for the wear!
I can see the animals on the walls, now that you mention it. No cause for concern. If the animals leap from the walls and re-enact scenes from your favorite Disney movies, have your shrink adjust your meds!

This joint housed females, so a GH wouldn't be much use!
I think the kind of paint-chipping texture on the door is called "alligatoring." Not sure.
I'm not convinced this place has been abandoned for 32 years, anyway, I too must comment on the ducts. I first thought they were ornamental architecture!
Mona Lisa,
If this place is in New England, you chances of "stepping on a snake" in the brush are practically nil, and your chances of stepping on either one of the two species of native venomous snakes are even closer to nil than that!
"Come out, come out, where ever you are...Thehehehee.."
"Okay.. No more miss nice angel.."