The object on the floor is called a "Sloan valve" ( it is a toilet flusher)
flash back LSD rock on
thay were used to hang body s on saved on room no one complained about having a pain in the neck
HOLY CRAP - just my kinda place - there's a whole lot a mojo here!
I, too, would LOVE-LOVE-LOVE to a room like this.
Ugh. Now there's a thoroughly frightening thing.
...has anyone been to the brockton fair? it looks like the big chair lol
I know it is a crack in the wall, but on that second step it looks like a large nail. Reminds me of Home Alone. Man, I watch way to many movies.
Love this!
I have to admit I kind of like it! They look like the size of some of the scrap booking sheets of paper-I love them but I am not much of a scrapbokker...
Ferdy I was thinking the opposite-how about a lonely chair gallery?!?
I meant unique detail , oops!
I live in a touristy area in WI with an awesome lake that attracts many to our area that are affluent and can affor to build some amazing homes. There is a builder in our area that is really bringing back the craftsman style homes with some amazing, intricate detail a that remind me of older buildings, when they put fine detai into every aspect of the building. It makes my heart happy to see his houses go up-finally a builder that takes pride in his work and is bringing intricate detail and quality back to every aspect of the home-his work is truly a piece of art-I wish more builders were like that instead of these cookie cutter houses with no unique deter that all look alike!
Hi chemodrain-jessdynn , glad to see i am not the only one loveing the wallpaper,it's like a cool quilt.
where is this located in vineland? I would love to be able to practice my photography here