what ever it is its cool and menacing
Anybody else thinking time portal?
I love photos where your eye doesn't know where to travel, the lines you have created here are very nice. Any idea what these were/used for?
I love the angle. Your right Kathy & Rivet, it does look like some fossilized creature. Keep it up Motts!
I wonder if they didn't make that to scrap some big piece of machinery when the place was closing
Looks like the forest has had a long time to grow back
Wow, very grimy
Mother nature always reclaims her own in the end.
Yeah, Confess, but you don't wanna walk through the woods there. There's a whole forest that glows at night... radiation sits on the soil and can be stirred up with passing feet. Pretty creepy. I bet that is one place our beloved Motts would not go - for which I am thankful!!!
I'd say no, Dylan.... too many scratches on the bottom under the door.

Comparison: http://www.opacity.us/...60_blue_and_rust.htm

Just my opinion...
Actually... now that I turn my head around... it looks like a yellow tag affixed to a spigot that may have, at one time, said "Water." What do you think?
I wondered that too, Dylan. It does look like a "Caution" tape... or police tape, they're quite alike. It looks really out of place in this gray, dusty atmosphere.
Probably more chance of acquiring tetanus now than there was back then... but then, there was a higher chance of losing an appendage!
Yes, and it also looks like it's angling slightly down into the bowels of the building. Stunning.
Absolutely, Rivet. I'm back for the second time in 2 days looking at this gallery - it's outstanding.