272 Comments for Camp Bluefields (Tweed)

i was there today and um being there with 5 girls no guys bad idea....it is very very scary
me and my friends live in rockland and heard bout this so um bascially it was 4 girls in a dark tunnel while one friend stood on top n said sh eheard foot steps
Candace you ROCK GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!
I grew up on the other side of the mountain that the tunnels are located on. I spent many days exploring the tunnels and separate buildings. I vividly remember walking along the top of the tunnels and also being inside of them and feeling the cool breeze that would come through the small openings along the way. I also remember doing a lot of partying up there as well! As much time as I spent there, I was never quit comfortable. I always felt like I was being watched and I don't mean by animals! We used to find ammuniton shells around in the 80's, but the last time I was up there, not much was left.
this one bugs me out a little.. the shadow/wetness on the bottom right of the photo reminds me of a dog.... and jodgin by the surroundings i dont imagine he'd be very nice
scary stuff! crickets everywhere. Indiana Jones style!
wow! This is an awsome shot!
when was the shell from?
i hate seeing broken staircases! so sad
i love going into creepy holes!
i could defineytl fit through!
dont the demons come out from the fireplace?
what does that say?
only one cooment ...that makes two moowahahahahah!
maybe he wanted to just camp there for a few days... i some kind of demonlike stuff happened in ww1