580 Comments for Margate State School

I love this photo. The prlpue looks so vibrant and beautiful in the field of green. That is one of my favorite color combos!
I can look past the broken down building & envision how beautiful it once was. Such great pictures!!
id sit for hours going thru all of this...very interesting pics,,thank you so much!!
Id love a set of tiles like this
i heard they used to shrink peoples heads at these old hospitals.....NOT!!

lmao! just kidding, lynn!!
they might have been trying to learn some sort of french or chinese
Holy Hannah...I can''t add any more than the comments already...but SHOOT that made my heart skip a beat or three. Glad my husband is in the next room. I almost screamed and he looked at me like "what?"

Good grief--we have 2 girls and a TON of baby-dolls. Nightmares anyone??
Geeez! This looks like something right out of "M*A*S*H" (one of my fave shows and I cried when it ended)...this is kind of spooky. I can almost hear the loudspeaker:
"Attention all personnel--attention...incoming wounded..."

Too much TV for me perhaps? What do you think Motts?
This is kind of different from the more "depressing" pictures on this site (I mean NO disrespect Motts!!)..this almost smacks of good times, smiles, laughs, and fun. I get a kick out of kids having a great time...disabled or not.

I love this picture and it is nice to see something "happy" for once...though they DO look rather lonely down here. They belong with children. :)
Whoaaaa that is a LOT of tiles. :)

I need to buy a vowel...or...a few vowels...heck just give em all to me!

:) LOVE this shot!
It looks like a FACE in that pile of black stuffing-or-whatever-it-is...maybe an owl or something.

The chair reminds me of the deck chairs we used when we went on a cruise to the Caribbean in 1996. This is one creepy shot!
Looks like someone took a wooden chair that you would find in a garden somewhere (think garden where the occupants sip tea and watch croquet being played) and stuck wheels on it.

I thought of that quote from Annie too...I LOVE that movie! I remember when that movie first came OUT...

Good grief I feel old...these antiquated chairs aren't helping lol!
please tell me why I love this so much???
The tiles are, without a doubt, used to teach impaired children how to speak and read. The LIndamood Phonemic Sequencing (LIPS) uses the EXACT SAME tiles. She charges $600.00 for a 2 day seminar and has done quite well for herself. It would be very interesting to know if one of her relatives was a resident or perhaps taught at this institution. It would be very interesting to know where this institution is located. Any hints?
Since 1972. I suppose Michigan is cold this time of year?